UK Sig 3a Passable-on-Authority

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UK Sig 3a Passable-on-Authority

Post by davidbird »

Now available on the DLS is a UK style signal, that is passable on authority when still at Danger.
This is based on the built-in Sig 3a Offset LHS, but it has a state of "Stop=then-continue", but this state still visually displays just a single red.
This state may be selected by rules such as "Set Signal State Extended", or by the path properties in an Enhanced Interlocking Tower.
This will allow the AI to pass the signal whilst it is still showing Danger, or a player-driven train to pass the signal at Danger without triggering a SPAD warning.
It is intended for use in real-world based layouts where the prototype does not have a signalled route, but trains may be verbally authorised by the signalman to pass the signal at Danger.
Downloading this will also download a small route and session called "Signal Demo" to illustrate and expalin it's use.
A version 2 has also been sent with the description amended to include details of the route/session download.
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Re: UK Sig 3a Passable-on-Authority

Post by slenderman7676 »

I don't know if you are aware of this but the "Signal demo" route is unable to be downloaded by users with a Trainz build less than 5.2 resulting in the signal asset being marked as "missing dependencies" when used in trainz versions less than that build.
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Re: UK Sig 3a Passable-on-Authority

Post by davidbird »

Yes, I was aware of that.
I have uploaded a V3 of the signal, that has a demo route and session for TANE - build 105768; these will of course work in TS22 as well.
I no longer have a version of Trainz before that, so I cannot do a route for any older versions. Apologies if this means the signal will show errors in earlier builds, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that.
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Re: UK Sig 3a Passable-on-Authority

Post by stovepipe »

Just checking these new signals out.

Asset kuid2:195134:100108:3 'sig 3a Offset Passable-on-Authority LHS', has an unknown dependency - kuid:195134:100005.

Same missing dependency for the demo route

Can this be safely deleted from the configs?

Also there does not seem to be a TB 4.5 version of the session?
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